Comparation Of Mobility Skills Of Pupils Of Romany And Non-Romany Ethnicity



Physical activity represents such actions, in which people more or less freely participate, express themselves, learn and verify their knowledge, skills and ideas. The aim of this paper was to analyse and describe mobility skills from selected pupils of Romany ethnicity at age 9-13 years. The standard parameter used was a combination of two standardised test batteries, EUROFIT and UNIFIT (Měkota & Kovář, 1996) to test other capabilities. Research investigation involved a total of 263 subjects obtained from basic schools from Přerov, Břeclav, Vsetín and Ostrava. Of this number, 118 were classified among the pupils of Romany ethnicity, of which 28 were boys and 90 girls. The pupils attending from non-Romany backgrounds was 145. This sample consisted of 99 boys and 46 girls. The results of non-Romany boys were qualitatively at the better level than the boys from Romany ethnicity. For girls’ subjects, the findings revealed pronounced differences. Clearly, there was a better result for non-Romany girls in pull-up stamina and standing long jumps. Romany girls achieved a better result than non-Romany girls especially in running time. There were no differences in the established parameters and were not statistically significant on the level p<0,05.

mobility skills; pupils at age 9–13 year; Romany ethnicity

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