Physical Activities Applied to Pupils with Cerebral Palsy



Regular and optimum activity is primarily one of the preconditions for obtaining and maintaining the human physical and mental condition. Pupils with physical disabilities chose suitable gym activities that also incorporates an appropriate means of socialisation and integration into the integral population. The importance of physical education and its implementation is important. However, in recent times we mostly read about the context of issues of integration of pupils with disabilities into mainstream schools. There are few special educational books that deal with the shape of physical education and pupils in special schools. The main aim of this article is to describe the current status of participation of students with physical disabilities within physical education and show the possible methods used for these students. The target group was students with cerebral palsy attending primary school and for students with multiple disabilities in Olomouc. The results illustrate the importance of institutional forms of gym activities such as physical education and school sports clubs, which are for most students the only physical activities undertaken throughout the day. Other factors significantly affecting the rate of participation of pupils are level of pupils motorical skills, family approach to the physical activities and pupil access to information in the physical activities field. These aspects must be taken as the basis for planning and implementation gym activities for pupils with physical disabilities.

adapted physical activity; physical disability; cerebral palsy; adapted physical education; leisure time


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