Embarking on a Coaching Profession
The paper deals with selected aspects of the sports coach profession. Coaching – like other social professions – is a very complex and demanding career and its successful execution is related to many social as well as economic aspects. Coaching represents a variety of forms required from its practitioners including an extensive expert knowledge, personal dispositions and social skills. The paper analyses data collected by a questionnaire investigation, which covered selected aspects of the careers of sports coaches. The vast majority of examined sports coaches were active young athletes. The interest in sport was sparked in particular by their parents. The main motives for the choice of coaching included the need to look after children, pass on sport experience and in particular sporting effort to help others succeed. The sample of sports coaches often said that the completed training had well prepared them as far as theory was concerned, however, they found it insufficient in terms of their own practice. The questionnaire revealed that the main basis for the improvement was mostly seen in coach education.
sports coach; coaching; coach profession; coach career; coach education; in-service education of coaches; research of coach
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