Socialisation by Sport
The present day, often called the Information Age, or Computer Age is characterised by the decrease in natural social interactions between people. Thus, the social potential of sports activities is shifting to the centre of scholar’s attention. The world wide spread, popularity, active participation and its media coverage make sports the social phenomenon of the day. Various aspects of sport make it possible to influence society and vice versa. The research into the socialising power of sports has traditionally differed between socialising into sports, including socialising during sports, or through sport and finally socialising directly in sports. However nowadays, the range of sport disciplines involves a wide range of physical activities at various intensity levels makes it almost impossible to make any generalisations based on results coming from more sporting fields (individual, collective) and foremost performance levels (recreational, performance level, top athlete level). Moreover, the reasons for getting involved in sport activities can be rather individualised. This implies foremost the necessity to offer kids and the youth a colourful variety of sport activities in all performance levels.
physical activity; sport activity; society; children; youth
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