Future of Olympism?
The article briefly examines the original ideas of Pierre de Coubertin, that helped him to create a certain conception of Olympism (the unity of sport, education and culture) which became the foundation of the Olympic Movement and organisation of Olympic Games in the New Era. Olympism is nowadays extended throughout the whole world and is accepted as a basic philosophy of modern sport. It contributes significantly to enhancing and constituting a full-value component of culture. The authors present some indicator of modern and often very pragmatic sports and the reasons for changes within it. The authors indicate the necessity to formulate (in a new situation) the values, purpose and aims of sport in preserving and enriching the principal Olympic values. Such substantiation appears as not only a theoretical requirement, it is in the interests of sport itself. Sport deserves not only public recognition and support since it satisfies different social interests and also cultivates members of democratic societies in the sense of humanistic desiderata. The system of Olympic values may contribute to those ideas, based on Coubertin’s visions; enriched by obtained experiences and interpreted in contemporary conditions. Olympism in the widest sense of sport practice and as a philosophy of sport under those conditions find its proper place in the future social development.
sport; philosophy of Olympism; ideas as source of values; Olympic Movement; Olympic Games; development and prognosis; interpretation of sport
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