Assessment of Bounce Quality in a Forward Somersault on the Base of Time Characteristics of Immediate Forces of Bounce in Vertical and Horizontal Plane
This study looked for potential indicators of correct technique of bounce in a tucked forward somersault. The paper attempted to look for a relationship between the time characteristics of instantaneous forces in vertical and horizontal planes during the realisation phase of the bounce. The test-group was created using 13 students of the Faculty of Sport. The study used statistical significance of Spearman correlation coefficients p ≤ 0,05 as a method for judging whether or not a particular ratio of the impulses of forces in the vertical and horizontal plane represents a suitable indicator of correct technique of bounce. It was assumed that some of the observed ratios would represent the potential indicator of correct technique of bounce. The hypothesis was confirmed. The potential indicators of bounce are the following: variable 4 (time frame since vertical force reached its maximum value to the end of jump to total time of bounce), variable 6 (time frame since vertical force reached its maximum value to the end of bounce to the time frame from when horizontal force reached its maximum value to the end of bounce), variable 2 (time frame since vertical force reached its maximum value to the end of bounce).
gymnastics; biomechanics; biomechanical analysis; front somersault; dynamographh.
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