Biorythmic Changes In the Development of Velocity and Power Abilities in Biathlon



The aim of the thesis is to analyse the relationships between biorhythms and achieved biathlete´s physical performance. Through the use of a pedagogical experiment the authors determined a level of kinetic abilities and shooting skills of the biathlete at the beginning and at the end of the lead time training period. The measurement method was the motor tests battery and SCATT shooter training system. The experiment analysed velocity abilities, power abilities and shooting skills. By processing and comparing the results the authors defined the optimum time for velocity abilities development to be 18:00, for power abilities development 09:00 and for shooting training either 12:00 or 15:00. The results were measured and analysed in the four separate time intervals. The result determined the optimum time for skills development and therefore recommend training to be conducted at the stated time intervals.

biathlon; biorhythm; kinetic abilities; shooting performance


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