Effect of Combined Endurance/Strength Training on Heart Rate Variability of Men with Chronic Coronary Artery Disease
31 men with chronic coronary artery disease (mean age 64 ± 11 years, mean body weight 83 ± 10 kg, mean height 177 ± 6 cm, mean ejection fraction of left heart ventricle 47 ± 11%), were examined before and after three months of combined aerobic and strength training (from 3rd week). Before exercise testing, short-term heart rate variability (HRV) analyses of all subjects were obtained. Symptom-limited spiroergometry was provided before and after the training period. The training (exercise unit) was performed three times a week. Frequency domain HRV indexes were determined in the morning and during quiet periods under metronome-controlled breathing. Total power (TP), low-frequency spectral component HRV (LF, 0,05–0,15 Hz), high-frequency spectral component HRV (HF, 0,15–0,5 Hz) and low frequency-to-high frequency (LF/HF) ratio were measured and monitored for 5 minutes. The primary outcome was that after twelve weeks of combined endurance/strength training, the findings showed an increase in HRV (HF, LF and TP) in men with stable chronic coronary disease.
heart rate variability; combined training; chronic coronary artery disease
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