Perception of Sexual Harassment in the Sports Industry: A Case of Czech University Students
The aim of this study is to analyze and describe the perception of sexual harassment in the environment of organized sport in the Czech Republic from the perspective of Czech University students with sport experience. Sexual harassment, while a growing area of social concern and policy, has largely gone unaddressed in Czech sport. This study emphasizes the need for the management of sport organizations and the government itself to understand this issue, and create policies so that sport can be more inclusive and safe to all demographics. A focus group was used to assess opinions and perception of the topic of sexual harassment in the Czech environment of organized sport. The focus group clarified and narrowed terms used in quantitative survey. 205 relevant responses (242 total) were obtained from students with organized sport experience in the Czech sports industry. Results were analyzed and disseminated to create policy proposals for sport organizations and other governing bodies with sports focus. The findings indicate that among the cohort of students enrolled in various Czech Universities, instances of sexual harassment within the framework of organized sports are frequent and recurrent. Typically, the perpetrator is identified as a male athlete or coach, with the victim being a female athlete. Different forms of harassment, including verbal and non-verbal manifestations are prevalent. The psychological repercussions on victims are notable, often leading to adverse outcomes such as the cessation or alteration of their involvement in sports activities. Furthermore, the research underscores deficiencies in communication practices within the management of certain sports organizations regarding this issue. Overall, these findings underscore the significance and breadth of the matter, emphasizing the social responsibility incumbent upon sports organizations and other governing bodies in the administration of such institutions moving forward.
prevention of sexual harassment; abuse of power in sports; social responsibility; good governance; gender issues; child sexual harassment; distrust in sports organizations
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