Exploring Instagram Communication: Usage of Instagram as a Marketing Tool in Professional Basketball Clubs



The study focuses on the marketing communication of basketball clubs on the Instagram social network. The aim of this study is to evaluate the Instagram marketing communication strategies and activities used by professional basketball clubs on the Instagram social network and to provide actionable insights for enhancing fan engagement and reach. This study, which uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to reveal specific deficiencies in selected professional basketball clubs in the Czech Republic, may also prove inspirational to sports organisations. In the first phase, a quantitative method is used in the form of an analysis of the Instagram accounts of four selected basketball clubs. This is followed by a qualitative method that is conducted using a focus group of basketball fans. The list of shortcomings in marketing communication is supplemented by specific recommendations for improving the communication of sports organisations on this social network. Any recommendations made could then not only help these basketball clubs but also other sports organisations. The analyses conducted show that basketball clubs operating in the same NBL competition are not on the same level within the Instagram social network. As may be observed, there is a need to reflect trends and recommendations, especially when designing and planning the publication of posts. Working with Instagram Stories as an integral part of the sports club’s information channel for fans also seems to be key.

marketing communication; social network analysis; sports clubs; Instagram posts; Instagram Stories

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