The Role of Personality in Athletes’ Professionalism
This study investigates the complex interplay among personality types and professionalism in the realm of sports. The objective is to explore the relationship between personality traits, sex, age, experience in national teams, the sport they engage in, their accomplishments, duration of their sports careers, and levels of professionalism in athletes. The study involves 761 active sports participants, aged 18 to 38, selected through the snowball sampling technique. Data collection relies on the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) to evaluate personality types and the Professionalism Scale for Athletes (PSA) to measure professionalism levels. Results reveal no significant sex-based differences in personality types or professionalism levels, although females exhibit advantages in specific personality sub-dimensions. Athletes with national team experience and those engaged in individual sports demonstrate heightened professionalism, emphasizing unique opportunities and personal responsibility. Those with international and regional achievements, older athletes, and those with prolonged sports engagement display elevated professionalism levels. The correlation between personality dimensions (openness to experience, agreeableness, and extraversion) and professionalism underscores the multifaceted nature of professional behavior. In conclusion, the study provides comprehensive insights into the relationships shaping athletes’ professionalism, emphasizing the need for continued exploration to uncover additional contributing factors.
Professionalism; Personality type; Athletes
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