The Dualistic Model of Passion Mediates between Coach-Athlete Relationship and Motivation among Collegiate Athletes
Despite extensive research in coach-athlete relationship and motivation in sports, there is a notable gap in the literature on the interaction of passion in the relationship between these two key components in sports context. This study aimed to examine the mediating role of passion in sports between coach and athletes’ relationship and motivation among collegiate athletes. A sample of 408 student athletes comprised of 60.5 % male (n=246) and 39.5% female (n= 161) completed a packet of questionnaires on coach-athlete relationship (commitment, closeness, and complementarity), passion (harmonious and obsessive), and athletes' sports motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic). The IBM SPSS 20.0 PROCESS analysis revealed that harmonious and obsessive passion partially mediated the coach-athlete relationship dimensions (commitment, closeness, & complementarity) and both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Results imply that student-athletes who cultivate a positive relationship with their coaches exhibit a greater level of passion in sports, which in turn enhances their athletic motivation. The findings provide empirical evidence on the significance of sports passion have foster a strong connection between athletes and coaches, as well as its impact on athletes' motivation in sports setting.
coaches; athletes; motivation; passion; sports
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