Grit and Competence among Swimming Coaches in the Philippines

An Explanatory-Sequential Inquiry



The concept of grit has been understudied in the local literature in the Philippines compared to other international nations. Furthermore, studies that focused on grit to swimming coaches has not yet been documented. In this regard, this research probes the dynamic relationship between grit and competence among swimming coaches (n=207) of Central Luzon Philippines, aiming to analyze the impact of these key factors on coaching effectiveness and athlete development. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, to gather data from a diverse sample of experienced swimming coaches in the Region. Quantitative measures will assess coaches' levels of grit through the Grit Scale and self-perceived competence through the Coaching Competency Scale, while qualitative insights will provide a deeper understanding of the challenges faced and strategies employed in the demanding field of swimming coaching. As hypothesized, results from this research revealed that Grit influences Coaching Competency (F(3, 203) = 20.251, p <.001). However, Ambition did not register a significant relationship to Coaching Competency (β = .141, t = .889, p = .375). Coaches are very willing and highly enthusiastic in sharing the knowledge and skills to their swimmers towards improving their athletic abilities. Amidst adversities, coaches defined their resiliency in developing strategies to cope. Central Luzon coaches share their vision to their athletes towards achieving their goals through motivational strategies towards productive transformation. Lastly, coaches share the importance of serving as a role model towards improving motivation, game strategies, technique and character building of swimmers. Results of the study may be used to formulate programs for further enhancements on coaches’ grit and competencies. It is recommended to conduct parallel researches to other regions in the Philippines and other nations.

Grit; Coaching Competence; Swimming Coaches; Long-term Goals
Author biography

Rafael Celso

Bulacan State University

College of Sports, Exercise and Recreation


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