Regional Disparities Among Teams in Selected Countries with a Focus on Age Variations
The aim of this article is to investigates the impact of age and geographical differences on
team satisfaction and interaction within selected European countries. In the context of an
increasingly multicultural society, characterized by diverse ethnicities, cultures, races, religions,
ages, and genders, this study examines the impact of internal disparities influenced by
regional factors on social dynamics, with a particular focus on team dynamics across different
geographical locations and their influence on social cohesion. Amid demographic and
technological shifts emphasizing the growing significance of age, this research investigates
whether individuals under the age of 36, residing in major urban areas, experience lower
levels of team satisfaction and interaction compared to their older counterparts and those
from smaller towns. Utilizing a dataset comprising 250 participants from leisure, work, and
sports teams across Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, and Germany, the study explores variations
in team satisfaction among different age groups and regional backgrounds. This paper
contributes to the understanding of how multicultural environments affect team dynamics,
highlighting the importance of considering both age and regional factors in assessing team
satisfaction within both work and recreational settings.
age variations; disparity; European union; regional differences; teams
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