Analysis of University Students' Perspectives on Physical Activity and Mandatory Physical Education



The decline in physical activity levels during the transition from high school to college is evident, despite the known impact of youth and adolescent physical activity on later life. Observable trends reveal a decline in enthusiasm for sports activities and a notable decrease in motivation for engaging in physical activity. The college environment plays a pivotal role in shaping students' engagement with physical activity, presenting an opportunity to significantly enhance their quality of life. This study's primary objective is to analyse university students' attitudes toward physical activity and assess their satisfaction with compulsory physical education at Masaryk University, comparing results spanning nearly two decades. In adherence to contemporary research methodologies, a questionnaire survey combining standard quantitative and qualitative analysis procedures was conducted. The survey questions focused on examining various facets of physical activity, including volume, intensity, sports preferences, and attitudes toward mandatory physical education at Masaryk University in Brno. A total of 1,293 respondents (422 men and 871 women) with an average age of 20.7 years participated in the study. The findings underscore a notable inclination among almost 73% of students to welcome an extension of compulsory physical education to 2 or more semesters (currently set at 2 semesters at MU). Moreover, over 75% of students express contentment with the spectrum of mandatory sports activities offered in physical education. The study reveals a growing interest among students in individual physical activities and a burgeoning enthusiasm for unorganized sports. These outcomes furnish valuable insights into students' perceptions regarding the organization of physical and sports education activities within university settings.

Physical activity; university students; motivation; mandatory physical education; attitude

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