The Effect of Augmented Feedback on the Hit Accuracy of Foil Fencers



The study aims to investigate the effect of augmented feedback on the hit accuracy of foil fencers. A total of 10 fencing players, juniors and cadets registered at the XX fencing federation were divided into control and experimental groups. The ‘Fencing Scouting Sheet / Foil’ instrument was developed to collect the required data divided into ‘Touches scored’, ‘Touches received’, ‘Touches scored out of target’ and ‘Touches received out of target’. Each player of the experimental and control group played 20 bouts; each bout was scouted and calculated by the coach using a scouting sheet. The total of each group member (experimental and control) was calculated (100 games for each group). Coaches provided the experimental group players with the proper augmented feedback based on each player’s performance. Individually or in group before, during, or after the bouts. The results of the study indicated that the experimental group was 37.4 % higher than the control group in ‘Touches scored’, but less by 36.7%, 59.3% and 19.3% in ‘Touches received’, ‘Touches scored out of target’ and ‘Touches received out of target’ respectively. We encourage future studies to implement the scouting sheet developed to enhance the quality of training sessions and the players' performance. 

Fencing; Sport; Feedback; coaching; teaching; Scouting sheet
Author biography

Manal M. Bayyat

University of Jordan, Amman

School of Sport Sciences

University of Jordan


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