Examining Diversity and Team Satisfaction: A Quantitative Analysis in Czech Urban and Rural Contexts



The historical evolution of the Czech Republic reveals significant regional disparities in cultural, social, occupational, and recreational activities, among others. Taking into account the varied ages, social backgrounds, residences, and ethnicities of individuals within the region, the study formulated a null hypothesis: women residing in smaller cities experience higher satisfaction within teams compared to individuals in larger cities aged over 45. The study's contribution lies in comparing satisfaction levels with team affiliation across regional, gender, and age variations, within the context of urban size. An original contribution of the study is its research applied to diverse teams focusing on work performance, sports, and leisure activities, where varying degrees of collectively and individuality are present. The research was conducted on 113 respondents from five cities in the Czech Republic, spanning across ten teams. These teams, ranging from sports-oriented to work-related, were situated in two major cities, Prague and Brno, as well as three smaller towns: Šumperk, Hustopeče, and Otrokovice. Respondents included both women and men aged between 25 and 68 years. Data collected from the questionnaire survey underwent analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis test, ultimately refuting the null hypothesis. The research took place throughout the year 2022, employing both paper-based and online surveys, the latter facilitated through the Survio platform. Survey questions, grounded in an understanding of regional disparities, were designed to enable confirmation or rejection of the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis has been confirmed.

regional inequalitie; teams; sports and free-time activities; disparity; advantages

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