Examination of Resilience and Self-esteem Levels of Parents of Children With Disability



In society's foundational structure, families play a crucial role in overall happiness. Parental influence on child health is pivotal. While health challenges bring social, economic, and psychological burdens, resilience emerges as key. Resilience engages with self-esteem, benefiting parental well-being and care for special needs children, offering a positive environment for both. This study aims to explore the relationship between psychological resilience and self-esteem levels of parents of children with special needs, suggesting a positive link between elevated psychological resilience and self-esteem in parents. The study employed a relational scale strategy to investigate psychological resilience and self-esteem among parents of children with special needs. The sample comprised 156 parents of children with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities in Ankara, Turkey. Measures included the "Short Psychological Resilience Scale (SPRS)" and the "Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSS)." Data analysis encompassed descriptive statistics, t-tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and Multiple Linear Regression analysis (p<.05). In the study's results, the data demonstrated normal distribution. Employed parents demonstrated higher SPRS and RSS scores compared to unemployed parents. While parents with children engaged in sports displayed higher scores, the difference wasn't statistically significant (p>.05). Parents’ education level played a significant role; bachelor's degree holders had notably higher scores. Positive correlation was observed between SPRS and RSS scores (r=.411). Regression analysis confirmed a robust predictive relationship (R2=.169) between self-esteem and resilience. Raising special needs children requires elevated self-esteem and resilience due to multifaceted caregiving responsibilities. Traumatic experiences may impact self-esteem and resilience, prompting the need for a positive outlook for parental caregiving.

Resilience; self-esteem; special education; disability; parenting

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