The Effect of Suspension Training on Some Factors Related to the Shoulder Injuries in Athletes with Scapular Dyskinesis



This study aimed to examine the effect of suspension training on some factors related to the shoulder injuries in athletes with scapular dyskinesis. The present study employed a semi-experimental pre-test and post-test design. Thirty male athletes with scapular dyskinesis were randomly allocated into either the training or control group, with 15 individuals in each. Identification of scapular dyskinesis was conducted through the utilization of a lateral scapular slide test. During the pre-test stage, the shoulder joint muscles strength, proprioception and functional stability, were assessed via manual dynamometer, upper body functional balance test, and imaging methods, respectively. Subsequently, the training group participated in an 8-week suspension training, with three sessions per week. Following the 8-week intervention period, all participants underwent the same measurements administered during the pre-test stage. Statistical analysis was conducted using a two-way analysis of variance at a significance level of P≤0.05 to analyze the research findings. The findings from the two-way analysis of variance indicated that, during the post-test stage, the experimental group showed significant enhancements in muscle strength, functional stability, and accuracy of shoulder joint proprioception in comparison to the control group. The study's results suggest that suspension training used in this study can be employed to enhance shoulder muscle strength, functional stability, and accuracy of shoulder joint proprioception, which may assist in ameliorating disorders resulting from scapular dyskinesis. Furthermore, the findings imply that incorporating these exercises into training regimens could help prevent shoulder joint injuries.  

Scapular dyskinesis; suspension training; Injury Prevention


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