Effect of Selected Corrective Exercises on Glenohumeral Rotation range of Motion in Overhead Athletes with Scapular Dyskinesis
In overhead exercises, performing the repetitive and high-intensity throwing movements causes to reduce the internal rotation range of motion (IR ROM) in the dominant shoulder by applying small and continuous pressures on the glenohumeral joint capsule. This factor can cause scapular dyskinesis (SD) and predispose to shoulder injuries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of selected corrective exercises on the shoulder rotation range of motion and SD in overhead athletes. The present study is a cross-sectional study that was conducted on 54 volleyball players with SD. Goniometer and Lateral scapular slide test (LSST) were used to measure the shoulder rotation ROM and SD, respectively. The experimental group participated in eight weeks of selected corrective exercises. Data were analyzed using an independent t-test. In the experimental group, the shoulder IR ROM and SD after exercise showed a significant increase (P= 0.001) and a decrease (P= 0.001), respectively; while in the control group, the changes were not significant. Therefore, the selected corrective exercises can lead to an increase in the shoulder IR ROM and correct the SD in overhead athletes, and it is recommended to consider it as a part of their routine exercises.
rehabilitation protocol; internal rotation range of motion; Volleyball Players; scapular Dyskinesis
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