The Position of the Warm-up in School Physical Education Lessons



The essence of the presented research is to use a video study to analyse the position of the warm-up in physical education lessons at the lower secondary schools in the Zlín region.

The research has a descriptive character and is quantitatively oriented.

Based on the data analysis, it was found that out of the total time of the physical education teaching unit, the actual length of a physical education lesson was on average 36 minutes and 30 seconds. The warming up was devoted to an average of 6 minutes and 22 seconds of the actual length of the physical education lesson.

Another finding was a connection between the content of the warming up and the main part in most teaching units. The warming up was led mainly by teachers (15 teaching units) and pupils (14 teaching units). In the warming up, mobilization (dynamic) exercises and static stretching were the most common. The teacher's most common activity was to point out mistakes that students made during practice. The other most common activities (except for the category "other", where more things were included: such as organization, health solutions, etc.) were verbal instructions. The most common organization of position is the so-called "free in space".

Warming up has its place in physical education lessons. It is proved by not only that the warm-up took place in all monitored physical education but also the physical education teachers have the interest to include innovative elements (not only) into the warming up. This fact opens another possibility in the field of education of physical education teachers.

parts of PE lesson; physical education; video study; warm-up


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