Psychological Skills in Relation to Academic Achievement through Swimming Context



This study aimed to investigate: (1) the level of psychological skills among students enrolled in swimming courses at the Physical Education faculties in the Jordanian Universities. (2) the relation between their psychological skills and academic achievement. (3) the differences in these psychological skills according to gender. The descriptive approach was used to conduct this study. The study sample consisted of (260) male and female students enrolled in intermediate and advanced level swimming courses at the School of Sport Sciences/ University of Jordan. Students’ final academic achievement records in addition to the “Life skills through swimming context” scale was used to collect required data. The results of the statistical analysis revealed an average level of psychological skills, significant differences in psychological skills level in favor of female students, A level students, and JU students, and a positive significant relation between psychological skills and academic achievement. In conclusion, it is important to design comprehensive psychological skills-based study plans for swimming courses and in different sports fields. Also, to conduct specified training and guidance courses in this domain to improve psychological skills, teaching competencies, and academic achievement.

Psychological skills; academic achievement; swimming courses

Author biography

Manal M. Bayyat

University of Jordan

School of Sport Sciences

University of Jordan


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