The Organisation of Formal Education of Fencing Coaches in Hungary, Great Britain and the Czech Republic
The paper deals with formal educational programmes for fencing coaches in Hungary, Great Britain and the Czech Republic. Based on a content analysis of mainly curricular documents, we were able to identify and describe similarities and differences in approaches to coach education. They were apparent primarily on the legislative, organisational and content level. The research shows that the road to coaching excellence takes a different length of time in different countries. It is even in sharp contrast to formal licence education of some fencing federations when it comes to a bachelor study programme. Differences were also found in the approach towards the organisation of practical training. The more traditionally designed education of coaches in Hungary and the Czech Republic differed from the education in Great Britain from a philosophical and content point of view, specifically in topics such as the application of soft skills and setting, planning and assessment of goals in coaches´ practice.
coach education; fencing; fencing coach; coaching school; coaching projects
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