Structure And Performance-Related Changes In Puberty In A Group Of Ice Hockey Players



The article deals with structure and performance-related changes occurring in the beginning of puberty in relation to ice-hockey players of the older pupil category. 20 male players born in 2005 and in 2006 of corresponding biological age underwent measurement of their somatic parameters, balance and specific performance on ice. To evaluate the maturity age, the Roche-Wainer-Thissen method was used; moreover, the Star excursion balance test (SEBT) was used to assess the balance and the Illinois agility test (IAT) without a puck was used to assess the performance on ice. The results show that players born in 2005 show a greater structural change in comparison with those born in 2006; nevertheless, no differences in somatotypology were found. As far as performance is concerned, the players born in 2005 were faster in the IAT while those born in 2006 displayed higher reaches in SEBT – specifically in the anteromedial (AM), medial (M), posteromedial (PM), posterior (P), posterolateral (PL), anterolateral (AL) direction and the composite score (COMP). These findings strongly indicate that IAT depends on the production of strength which was better due to the structural changes. The SEBT results of the players born in 2005 may have been influenced by the puberty spurt during which adolescents’ coordination stagnates due to worsening postural control. The growth of body proportionality may have led to lever changes and to ineffective motor control while dealing with a new motor task as well. Another reason for the above-mentioned may also be muscle shortening.

puberty; maturity age; ice hockey; Star excursion balance test; Illinois agility test


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