Fear of Falls in Wheelchair Users
The article deals with the issue of fear of falls in wheelchair users and the change in falls after completing a self-defence course. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of a self-defence course for wheelchair users on their fear of falls. To collect data, we used a questionnaire and participant observation in the lessons of self-defence for wheelchair users. The participants filled in the questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the course. The results show that the course of self-defence has an effect on wheelchair users fear of falls. This effect differs depending on the type of disability of the participant and on the level of self-confidence. We can claim that the participants with a low level of fear at the beginning of the course had an attitude that shifted slightly and they became more aware of potential threats. On the contrary, the participants whose level of fear was high were reduced and their attitude towards a potential fall was slightly more relaxed.
wheelchair; falls; self-defense
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