Thermal Response Of Hands To Computer Work: Comparison Of Three Assessment Procedures



Introduction: Unlike other imaging modalities thermography is absolutely non-invasive and suitable to assess functional changes. However, in some fields, the methodology for its use has yet to be set. This work compares three different methods to study the dynamics of skin temperature changes in hands during computer work. Methods: A total of 306 measurements of 20 office employees and 6 non-office employees was performed with a thermographic camera during a work shift. The thermograms were subsequently evaluated and three methodologies - regions of interest, two of them newly proposed - were compared mathematically. In addition, two more have been taken into consideration. Results: The results show the same tendencies of thermal changes comparing our methodologies with the methodology used earlier in more than 80% (88 % in case of the first method, named H2 method and 85 % in case of the second one, named H5). However, in comparison to the older procedure, our procedures revealed higher sensitivity to temperature changes in more than 60% of cases (61 % in case of the first method and 68 % in case of the second one). We measured a variation range difference of 1.6 °C, and, with the second method, 2.1 °C compared to method used earlier. Conclusion: This work has determined a new procedure for the measuring of dynamics of hand temperature changes, which is not only easier and faster to perform and evaluate, but it is also more capable of detecting temperature changes on hands.

hands; thermography methods; computer work

Author biographies

Jan Horáček

Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Doktorand na pracovišti

Jan Novotný

Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Profesor na pracovišti

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