Legal problems of interventions in physical integrity
Before the 1990 many departmental directions, instructions and measures, regulating medical workers methods and fixing their duties, were issued in the medical sphere. The observation of these directions was accompanied by a negative phenomenon - a lack of understanding of legal regulation on the side of medical personnel.
The author acquaints the medical personnel with the constitutional system of the Czech Republic and be concretises some basic rights for the sphere of medical executions right of life, right of personal integrity, personal freedom, right of health guaranteed by the Charter of Basic Rights and Liberties and by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. He then informs about tbe legal regulation provided by the Act No. 20/ 1966 Coll. on the Care of People's Health giving the consent to the intervention in physical integrity. In the conclusion he discusses the particular problem - present state of the procedure in tbe care of children afflicted with FENYLKETONURIE.
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