The Stock Exchange, Trading on the Stock Exchange


Stock exchange Act proceeds from the requirement for the creation of an organi­sed market of securities (Securities Act regulates also the possibility of other public markets and securities trading). To achieve this state, the stock exchange has to operate as an mdependent market institution. The strict separation of the stock exchange from the state and the establishment of the necessary self-government ex­ press this independence. Tbe public benefit of the stock exchange good performance ensues from its mission. As a one of key financial institutes, the stock exchange will be the place, where important operatios will take place. The possibility of using its servics will be opened to the wide circle of enterprising subjects. The stock ex­change will concentrate an important part of supply and demand for different sorts of securities, especially for shares and bonds. Its benefit to public resorts also from the efficient movement of capital according to the relation of demand and supply. The aspect of executed trades legitimacy can not be considered as insignificant as well.





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