The Land Registry after July 1, 1996


The Land Registry of the Czech Republic was established in January 1, 1993. From the very beginning there were problems caused by the lack of compliance within the legal regulations. Having acquired experience from the aplication and the interpretation of regulations relating to the Land Registry, a lot of new sug­gestions appeared and the law was ammended. It became effective from July 1, 1996.

As the most important change is regarded the division between immovable assets that are recorded in the Land Registry /such as property, some buildings from which are considered only their parts above ground, the buildings that are not finished yet and apartments/ and immovable assets that are not recorded there. Furthermore this division is important because it also changes the ways how the right in property may be acquired. The right in property to the immovable assets not recorded in the Land Registry may be acquired on the date when the contract becomes effective.

There are other important changes concerning the questions of procedure. It's been put more precisely who can apply for an entry at the Land Registry and what a proposal of an entry and its supplements have to contain. There is especially important the part that confers specific revision powers on the Land Registry which henceforth can check required belongings on the date of application /not at the moment of making the decision on authorizing an entry/ and eliminates any legal remedies against its decision that authorizes the entry.





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