K některým aspektům právní úpravy na ochranu spotřebitele se zřetelem k ochraně zdraví spotřebitele v Evropské unii ve srovnání s legislativou ČR


The comparison of the EU legislation of the consumer's protection with our legal regulations concerning some aspects of the protection of the consumer's health, still contains some quite substantial differences.

At present in the EU countries there is the prevalent trend based rather on the civil law in the consumer's protection. Our civil law regulations are partly contained in the civil code, some civil institutes concerning the responsibility for the defective product can also be found in the commercial code. Especially the regulations of the strict liability are absent.

Our legal regulations concerning the consumer's protection have the prevailing character of the public law being represented by the consumer's protection law and by some other statutes which are linked with the consumer's protection only indirectly. From the sphere of the public law in the framework of the compatibility with the EU the nourishment law is absent in particular.





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