Právní povaha samosprávných vyhlášek obcí
The first part of the article mentions the important position of generally binding communal ordinances issued in autonomous competence of communitises. The second part characterises generally binding communal ordinances issed in autonomous competence of communities which are classified by the author as legal rules of primary character of substatutory status. The third part points to the · · principle "everything is allowed what is not forbidden". The fourth part is concerned with the analysis of some findings of the Constitutional Court and the fifth part describes some different legal opinions of some representatives of czech law science with reference to the communal ordinances. The final part a short summarisation and repetition of authors opinion of generally binding communal ordinances issued in autonomous competence of communities.
Author biography
Stanislav Kadečka
Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno
Copyright © 2018 Stanislav Kadečka