Ad: O didaktice českého občanského práva


This article reacts polemically on contribution of Ivo Telec viewing to the concep­tion of czech civil law didactics, publicated in magazine Časopis pro pravní vědu a praxi in 1998, nr. 1, pages 136-142.
The author, which is Ivo Telec colleque in prfession, emphasizes the necessity of permanent surveying of civil law education efectivity at faculties of law.
Howecer he refuses to built the cognition of law (civil law included) only o knowledge of actual version of civil law precepts. He proposes to recognise civil law not only through the mediation of dogmatic method, but also in it's historical relation (and continuity) and theoretical and systematic context, which facilitate to put law problem's solutions in terms of social relations and international context, which is important mainly due to haimonisation of czech law to the Union law.
The autor is convicted that czech law didactis questions are going to be discussed more, as well as in ether european countries.





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