Informational Technologies And Teaching Law


In the syllabus of the Faculty of Law, MU Brno there has appeard a subject entitled "Legal information technologies". The aim of this subject is to present the students with the bases of using PCs for the purposes of creatmg documents, present them with legal informational systems, teach them how to look up legal information on internet, and finally, present them with law concerning computers and information. More than three fourth of the students in the first year consider managing work on PC as essential or extremely useful for a lawyer. This faculty provides them with opportunity to inquire into law using legal informational sys­tems, their philosophy and their possibilities. In the same time they will get to know that none of the systems is perfect and error-free. The students can use both the huge and complex systems with a wide range of historie sources, and a lot of judicature, or other applications (ASPI, LEGSYS); and also the Simple systems containing detailed annotation of legal and economic magazines (EPiS) or model contracts (Konzultant). They will be enabled to adopt a complex view of the given problems by hyper-textual links. In the course of the study they will also use actual information drawn on-line from e.g. servers of public service or The Parliament of Czech Republic. Information concerning various requisites that make the legal office work easier, and information concerning first experimets in the knowledge of the systems carried out both in this country and abroad will be tthe end completed with some interesting questions of computer law - electronic legal contact, software piracy, computer crime, protection of personal data in informational systems, legal aspects of internet.





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