Legal regulations concerning property of the state: a consideration of future prospects


The article attempts to illustrate especially the general context and problems of the post-transformation status in the given area. To do this the author refers to the particular situation in the Czech Republic. However, he does not fail to mention the supranational context as well.
The introduction produces a brief summary of the developments in the 90's. It entails the fact that the prevailing orientation towards property flow from the state to the hands of individual persons (i.e. the cases of privatization and so called restitution) mainly reduced the sphere of state ownership (but insufficiently and imperfectly- consider the economic term "recombined ownership") while its fundaments were merely touched upon.
Detailed evidence supporting this is provided in the passage concerned with analysis of the current legal regulations. The analysis shows, besides other things, the peculiarity of the coexisting mixture of "new" regulations concerning state ownership and completely obsolete regulations of the past.
In the concluding part author presents his idea of strategies of legal regulations concerning state ownership. He does so putting great emphasis on the indisputable role (both in the legal context and beyond it) of state, or public, ownership in contemporary state and society.





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