Zákon č. 112/1998 Sb. a trestněprávní postih toxikomanů a dealerů drog
This article represents a topical reaction to the fact that the Law no. 112/1998 of the Collection was adopted. This law changes and completes the Law no. 140/1961 of the Collection, criminal law, with the wording of later regulations; and it changes and completes the Law no. 200/1990 of the Collection adopted by the Czech National Council concerning offences with the wording of later regulations. The article deals with interpretation of the content and sense of the particular regulations concerning the questions of drug problems based in this amendment.
The author brings up some contradictory issues that will certainly appear after the particular amended regulations will have been applied in practice. She also considers the question of whether the repressive attitude towards addicts who will thus be prosecuted for keeping drugs for their own personal use is an effective solution of this - socially dangerous - phenomenon.
The author brings up some contradictory issues that will certainly appear after the particular amended regulations will have been applied in practice. She also considers the question of whether the repressive attitude towards addicts who will thus be prosecuted for keeping drugs for their own personal use is an effective solution of this - socially dangerous - phenomenon.
Copyright © 2018 Iveta Juráková