Application of the Principle of Proportionality and Moderation in the Use of Information-technology in Criminal Proceedings in the Slovak Republic


The objective of criminal proceedings is proper detection the offences and fairly punishment the perpetrators according to the law and respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the persons concerned. In criminal proceedings, in the employment of some of the evidence tools, in particular the information-technology, there is interference with the right of privacy of individuals. Privacy is understood primarily as a sphere of a person’s life, which cannot be interfered without his consent, information that an individual can hide without fear that he will be punished or placed at a disadvantage by a state. This sphere includes all matters of individuals that the state or any other private person cannot unreasonably acquire, and of which cannot inform the public. In the framework of the criminal procedure law re-codification, there has been the principle of proportionality and moderation. The fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals may be interfered only in the cases permitted by law in way necessary to achieve the purpose of criminal proceedings, and to respect the dignity of individuals and their privacy. On the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court he points out the fundamental basis for assessing the eligibility of interference in the right to privacy during application of the information-technology in criminal proceedings. In the context of the discussion he points out some of the problems of the Slovak criminal-procedural laws.

Human Rights; Communications Surveillance; Telephone Tapping; Proportionality; Moderation; Test of Necessity; Test of Subsidiarity.


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