International air transport shipping documents


Warsaw convention is the main source of law in international carriage by air. The convention conso­lidates certain rules relating to this area. The main consolidated things is lay-out of the documents of ca­rriage. There are three types of the documents - pas­senger (air) ticket, baggage check and airwaybill. The Warsaw convention provides specific appurtenances of these documents. Some of them are binding under the loss of the right to set up a claim to the carrier's limi­ted liability. The Hague protocol reduced some appur­tenances, especially airwaybill's. A wide development of international carriage by air required better legal lay-out of documents of carriage, that will harmonize with a reality and will be in compliance with interests of carriers. In 1975, Montreal protocol IV, amended the Warsaw convention, was admitted. The main goal of this protocol, related to documents of carríage, was the substitution of delivery of airwaybill by anyother means. The last attempt to unify the rules related to tho documents of carriage is contained in the Mon­treal convention 1999. This convention probably will substitute the old Warsaw system and the lay-out of the documents of carriage will be consolidated.





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