Arbitration Committee of an Association in Czech Legislation and Praxis


As of 1st January 2014, association law has been entirely governed by Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. It is the first time in history that certain bodies of associations have been explicitly regulated by Czech law. The aim of this article is to provide analysis of arbitration committee of association in the Civil Code. The author doesn't only summarize the legislation, but is also interested in practice. On the grounds of Act No. 106/1999 Coll., On Free Access to Information, the author collected information from respective courts regarding how many associations had established the arbitration committee since the Civil Code had been adopted. District courts provided other information concerning the practice of arbitration committee as well, namely whether associations fullfil their obligation to deposit the findings of arbitrary committee to the deposition of the court, whether there are any proceedings regarding invalidity of a decision of an arbitraty committee and, finally, whether associations use the findings of arbitration committee as a title for execution. Collected information had been subject to a deep analysis. The article in its final part deals with the proceeding before an arbitration committee of an association.

Association; Bodies of Association; Arbitration Committee.

Author biography

Jakub Zechovský

Law firm JUDr. Jakub Kříž, Ph.D.


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