The Senate of the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic
The establishing of the bicameral parliament was one of the most important compromises in the process of constitution's creation in 1920. The social democrats were strong critics of idea and reality of bicameralism; on the contrary, the agrarians and national democrats wanted strong second chamber to balancing the chamber of deputies.
According to its constitutional status was the senate stronger than contemporary Czech Senate. But integral elections both chambers at the same time and identity of electoral systems were reasons of congruence of the Czechoslovak bicameralism: partisan composition of both chambers 1920-1938 was nearly the same. In additon, the political parties were very disciplined. Not only the senate, but also the chamber of deputies acted as rubber stamps of political leaders's decisions.
According to its constitutional status was the senate stronger than contemporary Czech Senate. But integral elections both chambers at the same time and identity of electoral systems were reasons of congruence of the Czechoslovak bicameralism: partisan composition of both chambers 1920-1938 was nearly the same. In additon, the political parties were very disciplined. Not only the senate, but also the chamber of deputies acted as rubber stamps of political leaders's decisions.
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