Law Applicable on International Licence Agreements-gaps and Limits of Application of Rome I Regulation


The importance of the international licence agreements is undisputable. However, there still doesn´t exist the special conflict of laws rule for them. Thus, the Rome I Regulation is used also for the purpose of determining applicable law in the disputes evolved from licence agreements within EU. All analyses stop on examination of regulation but this contribution aims to go further. The author examines the limits of its application and finds the situations, when would be (if ever) Czech Private International Act or bilateral convention applicable. The most important part of examination is the understatement of the qualification. Qualification determines the contractual or non-contractual core of the dispute, the connection of the aspects of dispute and in the end would help to find the relevant legal source.

Licence Agreement; Intellectual Property; Rome I Regulation; Czech PILA; Qualification; Lex Loci Protectionis; Unilateral Legal Act.

Author biography

Mária Pastorková

Department of International and European Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno

Ph.D. student

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