Current Conditions, Legal Premises and Background of Private Enforcement of Damage Claims from Competition Law Infringements in the Czech Republic


In April 2014, a new directive on private enforcement of damage claims from competition law infringements has been adopted. The directive attempts to improve the conditions for private actions in the field. Although there is a relatively rich case law in the public enforcement of competition law and damage claim cases pending in Czech courts, there are no final decisions yet. The article attempts to compare the new tools offered by the directive with existing tools available to plaintiffs for use in enforcement of their damage claims. The article also attempts to predict whether the new directive provides sufficient incentives to increase the number and success rate of damage claims from competition law infringements.

Damage Litigation; Competition Law; Right of Action; Calculation of Damages; Standard of Proof; Access to File.

Author biography

Tomáš Kubeša

Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno

Ph.D. student

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