The Guardian for Contact between Parents and a Child


The paper deals with the institute of guardian for contact that is regulated in the German Civil Code. It informs about the concrete regulation in the German law; when the guardian for contact is named, what are his tasks, who can become the guardian for contact in Germany. Consequently to the interpretation of German legal regulation the paper speculates about a possible take-over of this institute to the Czech legal regulation. On one hand it deals with the possible application under actual legal regulation, on the other hand it deals with other necessary related questions that have to be cleared, eventually regulated by law. Especially it concerns problems of delegation of the guardian for contact – who, and under which conditions, can be named for guardian for contact, what are the qualifications for the person of guardian for contact, what rights and duties would be related to the discharge of the function of guardian for contact and how the question of remuneration would be solved.

Guardian for Contact; Contact between Parents and a Child; Obstruction of Contact; Assisted Contact; Best Interest of a Child

Author biography

Romana Rogalewiczová

Faculty of Law, Palacký University, Olomouc; Office for International Legal Protection of Children

Ph.D. student; Office for International Legal Protection of Children

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