Question Tags around the Constitutional Protection of Right to Social Protection in Aging


Provisions on social rights, included rights to pensions, contained in Czech, German, Spanish and Sweden constitutions are not completely without legal impact. They are not just expressions of political intent. Actually, they form constitutional ideas on respective legal systems; the State itself, its administrative agencies and courts are bound to follow and implement these ideas in their actions and decisions. We also found few social rights based on the language of Czech and German constitution but none within the realm of pension insurance. Still, they are exceptions. Regarding social reforms, it has been proved that there is so far neither a guarantee contained in Czech, German, Spanish, and Swedish constitutions nor an ultimate obstacle derived or developed by respective national courts that could stop changes of current pension insurance schemes. Caution against social rights on constitutional level can be explained mainly because of the character of social rights in question.

Social Security Law; Pension Insurance; Pension Reform; Protection Clause; Legitimate Expectations


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