Problems of Remote Driver Regulation from the Point of View of Theory and Practice



The issue of automated vehicles is no longer the subject of science fiction literature, but more and more member states are adopting regulations of the phenomenon in question. The presented article deals with a closely related issue – the remote driver. The role of the driver who controls an automated vehicle remotely may be different from the perspective of duties in the traditional perception of a motor vehicle driver. The presented article focuses on the field of automated vehicles from the point of view of the role and duties of the remote driver. The aim of this article is firstly to compare the role of the driver of a classic vehicle and the remote driver of an automated vehicle. Secondly, the authors offer a discussion and recommendations for legislation in the context of duties and questions of the practical functioning of a remote driver.

Automated Vehicle; Remote Driver; Autonomy; Data Protection

Author biographies

Jozef Andraško

Institute of Information Technology Law and Intellectual Property Law, Faculty of Law, Comenius University Bratislava

Faculty of Law, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic

Matúš Mesarčík

Institute of Information Technology Law and Intellectual Property Law, Faculty of Law, Comenius University Bratislava

Faculty of Law, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic


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