Historical Development of Conditional Release and its Role in the Prison System until 1919



The article deals with the historical development of conditional release. The origins of this penological tool have not been comprehensively described in the Czech Republic so far. Czech publications provide contradictory information in this regard. Nevertheless, such uncertainties also appear in articles written by foreign authors. The aim of this article is to explain these ambiguities and to describe the origins of conditional release in the context of the development of imprisonment. The article covers a period until 1919 when this instrument was first enshrined in our legal system by the Act No. 562/1919 Coll., on Suspended Sentence and Conditional Release. After this historical milestone, it has become easy to find information on the further development of conditional release in our country.

Conditional release; conditional discharge; conditional liberation; ticket-of-leave; Parole; Parole release system; Walter Crofton; Bonneville de Marsangy; Zebulon Brockway; Elmira Reformatory; Elmira; Intermediate prison; punishment; imprisonment; incarceration; apprenticeship by indenture; conditional pardon; absolute pardon; mark system; prison; Alexander Maconochie;

Author biography

Ondřej Klabačka

Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno

Legal Assistant, Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, Brno


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