Extra-legal Influences on Judging through the Lens of Psychology



Empirical research on judicial decision-making faces many obstacles, especially in the Czech Republic. Therefore, publication of Extralegal Influences on the Decision-Making of the Czech Constitutional Court is an important step forward. The publication deserves credit for both its aim and its execution. However, future research should focus on a psychological perspective, e.g., by examining heuristics, cognitive closure, and cognitive styles. Such an endeavor is only possible if judges choose to participate. Thus, this paper also aims to introduce psychological research in judicial decision-making as a discipline that needs to be respectful towards participants and needs to develop a cooperative relationship with them.

Judges; Courts; Psychology of Judicial Decision-making; Psychology and Law; Cognitive Closure; Cognitive Heuristics; Cooperative Research; Empirical Legal Studies; Extra-legal Influences on Judicial Decision-making


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