The V. AML Directive – Application Problems in Relation to Regulation of Virtual Currencies



The primary regulatory framework for trading with virtual currencies is regulated in the V. AML Directive. Given the hybrid nature of virtual currencies, this is probably the most problematic area in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing. Dissenting opinions on the regulation of virtual currencies can also be observed at the international level. Several international institutions criticize the V. AML Directive for the inadequacy and problematic application of the definition of the term virtual currency and the list of obliged entities. In this context, we will provide a closer analysis of the legal nature of the virtual currency, as well as outline our considerations and attitudes to the legislation de lege lata and de lege ferenda.

V. AML Directive; Virtual Currency; Cryptocurrency; FATF

Author biography

Yana Daudrikh

Department of Financial Law, Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava

Odborná asistentka

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