Do We Need a New Crime – „Femicide“?


The problem of gender-based violence is an old problem most likely as old as the humankind itself. A special category of gender-based violence is murder, the victim of which is the spouse or the former spouse of the person who committed the crime. In recent years this problem has been investigated by several researchers. The author defines the fundamental methodological bases and presents the results of international and foreign research on the issue of femicide. He represents the statistical indicators of the murders of intimate partners in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic. Due to the low rates of murder of females by their intimate partners (spouses) in the Slovak Republic and considering the elements of the crime of murder, the author comes to the conclusion that the situation in the Slovak Republic does not require a specific legislative solution to be applied in cases of murder of females committed by their intimate partners. The intimate partner’s murder can be punished as a murder applying harsher sentences when there are aggravating circumstances in cases such as the killing of a protected person – a relative or committing this crime with a special motive – from hatred for gender, with imprisonment for twenty years to twenty-five years or for life imprisonment.

Gender-Based Violence; Gender-Related Killing; Homicide; Intimate Partner Homicide; Domestic Violence; Homicide Rates; Rates of Intimate Partner Homicide; Misogynous Killing; Violence Against Women; Victim.

Author biography

Jozef Záhora

Faculty of Law, Paneuropean University, Bratislava

Ústav verejného práva

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