Which Principles for Expert Testimonies Derive from the Right to Fair Trial?


When proving facts requiring expertise, courts often rely on expert opinions, both in criminal and civil (and administrative) legal proceedings. Like other elements of court proceedings, expert evidence is governed by certain rules designed to ensure, in particular, that the resulting trial is fair. The aim of the this paper is to analyze the relevant case law of the Czech Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights, and also in limited extent also the Czech Supreme Court, in order to deduce from it the main principles governing expert evidence in court proceedings.

Bayesian Inference; Expert Evidence; Civil Proceedings; The Right to a Fair Trial; Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms; Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; Constitutional Court; European Court of Human Rights.

Author biography

Maxim Tomoszek

Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, Palacký University, Olomouc

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