Principle of Subsidiarity in Accordance with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office


The contribution deals with a topic of the principle of subsidiarity in relation to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO). The principle of subsidiarity represents a point break in the process of establishing the EPPO, which leads to establishment the EPPO on the basis of enhanced cooperation. The key legal principle of subsidiarity is abundantly permeating the european law whereas is focusing on its institutes (as EPPO). The contribution is devided into three parts, preceded by introduction and closed by conclusion. The first part deals with the characteristics of the principle of subsidiarity. There are also theoretical definitions of subsidiarity, various science approaches, partial aspects of subsidiarity and the principle of subsidiarity in the field of the european law. The second section can be seen like a probe into the second leading principle of the european law – proportionality as a complementarity to subsidiarity. Afterwards the third part is reflecting the categorical case of violation of the principle of subsidiarity by establishing the EPPO.

European Public Prosecutor; European Prosecution; European Union; Subsidiarity; Principle of Subsidiarity.


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